Psychology Chapter one

  • Created by: Georgina
  • Created on: 29-09-12 17:57
True Experiment
1) Manipulates IV to investigate if there is an effect on the DV 2) Extraneous variables controlled or eliminated 3) Participants allocated to experimental conditions randomly
1 of 5
Quasi- Experiment
Unable to fully control the IV
2 of 5
Advantages of Experimental Method
1 Don't have to wait for natural events 2 Produces Quantitative data that can be analalyzed by inferential statistical tests which allows researchers how likely the outcome would occur by chance 3 Control variables show cause and effect relationship
3 of 5
Disadvantages of Experimental method
1) Participants act differently 2) Must question how far is it appropriate to generalize results outside those who took part in the study
4 of 5
Cause and Effect
Proof that the independent variable has a direct effect on the dependent variable by controlling other variables
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Unable to fully control the IV


Quasi- Experiment

Card 3


1 Don't have to wait for natural events 2 Produces Quantitative data that can be analalyzed by inferential statistical tests which allows researchers how likely the outcome would occur by chance 3 Control variables show cause and effect relationship


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


1) Participants act differently 2) Must question how far is it appropriate to generalize results outside those who took part in the study


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Proof that the independent variable has a direct effect on the dependent variable by controlling other variables


Preview of the back of card 5


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