Opposition to the Personal Rule: Scotland

  • Created by: gemshort
  • Created on: 23-05-18 21:53

The Covenanters

  • Charles thought that the Scottish Presbyterian Church was becoming too independent
  • In 1636, he introduced new canons for the Church in Scotland
    • They made the Church more Laudian and he enforced them through royal prerogative as he knew the Scottish Church would not support them
  • In 1637, he introduced a new Prayer Book in Scotland, designed to make the Church more Laudian
    • In July 1637, the new prayer book was read for the first time; nobles protested against this and it soon turned into a riot, which spread to other towns and cities
    • Charles' Privy Council was forced to abandon Edinburgh
  • In 1637, Scottish radicals published the Scottish National Covenant, a manifesto to unite opponents of Charles' religious policy - the people who signed this became known as Covenanters

The First Bishops' War

  • In 1638, Charles wanted to go


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