Personal Rule

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  • Personal Rule 1629-1640
    • Finance
      • C raised taxes without P's consent, violated Magna Carta. Ship Money and Distraint of Knighthood unpop as Charles brings SM inland. John Hampden and the SMT 1637. Subjects that were trad. used in the army were used for money when no war was fought,
      • BUT C was not allowed to raise NEW taxes and he obeyed that. C was just trying to raise more money as his kingdom's nowhere near as developed as France or Spain.
    • Religion
      • Laud attacked Puritanism , Prayer Book and Altar Controversies - openly attacked Presbyterianism with no discussion with P. BBP - silencing opposition and corporal punishment of gentry. Reinforced DROK so was incredibly stubborn. Crypto-Catholic suspicions surrounding Arminianism but it was still enforced!
      • Charles was just enforcing the Religious Act of Uniformity. Uniformity of religion in England would help protect from invasion and is easier to control. BBP - corporal punishment not uncommon especially not for seditious libel.
    • Government
      • Used prerogative courts, Thorough government. In Ireland this strengthened local government, royal authority and accountability. Star Chamber held in secret - absolutist? Government censored the press as seen with BBP. Thorough in Ireland used as a blueprint for England. No checks on Charles' power!
      • Star Chamber couldn't issue the death penalty. Charles still used others for advice. Charles didn't always attend Privy Council. Charles has other methods of government wo/ Parliament. Book of Orders - trying to help people through poverty.
    • Scotland
      • Bishops' Wars in 1639 resulted in opening of the Long Parliament as C needed to pay the Scots £850 a day and in Treaty of Ripon it was demanded that C reopened Parliament, so they held on radical concessions.
      • Events in Scotland also led to the Incident of October 1641 when Charles was negotiating w the Scots but also attempted to remove Covenanters.
    • Ireland
      • Wentworth implements Thorough in Ireland and Irish Parliaments answerable to English Privy Council.


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