Memory- different types of Long Term Memory


 Types of LTM 

LTM is split into two main sections with three subsections 

1. Explicit Memory - Knowing the what 

The explicit memory is split into two sections: Semantic and the Episodic. 

Semantic memory: General knowledge about the world, e.g Knowing that London is the Capital of England. Semantic memories can be concrete such as knowing that ice is made of water or abstract like mathematical knowledge. 

Episodic memory: Memories for personal events, e.g The trip that you took to London as a child. This type of LTM includes contextual details plus emotional tone. 

2. Implicit Memory - Knowing How

Procedural memory: Memory for how to do things, e.g Remembering how to drive a London bus. These LTM become automatic following repeated practise. 

KEYWORD : Priming- Automatic enhanced recognition of specific stimuli, Eg. Exposure to the word yellow means people are more likely to say Banana when asked to name a fruit. 


Supporting evidence from brain scans - Research Support 

Different areas of the brain are active when different kinds


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