
  • Created by: Lucystutt
  • Created on: 01-12-16 11:03

Types of long term memory

Endel Tulving (1985) - first to realise MSM view on LTM was too basic. Tulving proposed there is infact three LTM stores,

Episodic memory

recall events (episodes) from our lives. e.g when you went to dentist, a gig you went to last week etc..

complex, they are 'time stamped' so you can remember when they happened. 

memory of a single episode include many elements such as people and places, objects and behaviours, all combined in one memory. 

You have to make a conscious effort to recall these memorys, you may do this quickly but you are still aware you are searching your memory for what happened when you went to the dentist. 

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Types of long term memory

Semantic memory

Contains knowledge, facts in the broadest way. Like an dictionary or encyclopedia. 

like the taste of an orange, or applying to university, meanings of words etc..

contains knowledge of impressive number of concepts such as 'animals' 'love' etc..

They arent time stamped. Semantic memory is less personal and all about facts we all share. 

includes more than just facts and is being constantly added to. 

Procedural memory 

Actions, skills and how we do things. Recalled without conscious awareness. e.g driving a car, you dont have to think about changing gear, or indicating (eventually)

these skills can become harder if you are describing how you are doing it

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Types of long term memory (evaluation)

clinical evidence- Henry molaison and clive wearing

Episodic memory of both men was severly impaired due to amnesia. 

Difficulty recalling events that had happened in their pasts.

Semantic memory relatively not effected- they still understood meaning of words

So they wouldnt remember they pet a dog half an hour ago but they would understand the concept of the word 'dog' 

procedural memory was fine, remembered how to tie shoe laces, walk, speak etc.. 

supports tulvings view that there are more than one type of LTM. One store can be damaged but the others can be unaffected this not only suggests that they are different memories but also they are stored in different places of the brain.

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Types of long term memory (evaluation)

Neuroimaging evidence- 

Evidence from brain scan images that different types of memory are stored in different parts of the brain. 

Tuvling et al (1994)

participants do different memory tasks while brain under a PET scan. Found episodic and semantic memories both recalled from area of the brain known as prefrontal cortex

Area divided in two one on each side (hemisphere) of brain. Left prefrontal cortex involved in recalling semantic memories. Episodic memories recalled from the right prefrontal cortex.

proves there is physical reality to the different types of LTM within brain.

Been confirmed many times in other research studies supporting validity of this finding.  

Real life applications. 

Belleville et al (2006) - episodic memories in elderly who have mild cognitive impairment can be improved. Trained participants performed better on a test of episodic memory after training than a control group. Episodic memory is most likely to be effected by mild cognitive impairment. Benefit of establishing types of LTM helps specific treatments. 

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