London Docklands:Case Study for inner city redevelpoment and regenration, UNIT 2


Case study of inner city redevelopment: London Docklands:


During 19th Century-port of London busiest in the world. Surrounding the docks were many industries using imported goods and high-density, poor quality housing (typical old inner-city area).

 In the 1950s-ships become bigger = unable to reach London’s docks.

 By 1970s, area became derelict, with few jobs, few services and poor living conditions. Many people forced to leave area to look for work + better quality of life. The was because traditional jobs in docks were lost (manual, unskilled, unreliable and poorly paid) and most housing was substandard-lacking basic amenities (services e.g. water, sewerage, electricity..) and located in poor-quality environment.

Amenities definition: A desirable or useful feature/facility of a building/place. e.g. basic services in housing like electricity, water, sewerage…

 In 1981, the London Docklands Development Corporation (LDDC) was set up to try to improve social, environmental and economic conditions of the area.

LDDC was given 3 main tasks:

1. Improve social conditions by creating new housing, creating new recreational facilities and improving shopping facilities.

2. Improve economic conditions by creating new jobs and improving the transport system (to and within area).

3. Improve environmental conditions by reclaiming derelict land, cleaning up the docks, planting trees and creating areas of open space (people like parks and peaceful green surroundings).

Derelict land: land that is damaged or abandoned and cannot be put to use until damage is repaired 

Reclaiming derelict land is: to recover land that has lost its productivity and to make it usable again





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