World Cities 1

A tract of open land consisting of farmland woodland, and open recreational areas surrounding urban areas
1 of 16
Greenfield Site
A term used to describe any area of land that has not been developed previouly
2 of 16
Brownfield Site
An old industrial or inner city side that is cleared for a new building development
3 of 16
Partnership Schemes
Involves local councils working with businesses and local communities to come up with a regeneration plan for an area
4 of 16
Property-led Regeneration
Involves building or improving property in an area to change its image and improve the local environment
5 of 16
Urbanisation Case Study
6 of 16
Sub-urbanisation Case Study
Newcastle Great Park
7 of 16
Counter-urbanisation Case Study
St Ives
8 of 16
Re-urbanisation Case Study
London Docklands
9 of 16
Gentrification Case Study
10 of 16
Urban Regeneration/Partnership Schemes Case Study
Hulme City Challenge - Manchester
11 of 16
Property-led Regeneration Case Study
London Thames Gateway
12 of 16
Retail-led Regeneration Case Study
The Trafford Centre
13 of 16
Redeveloping Urban Centres Case Study
Manchester City Centre
14 of 16
Sustainability in Urban Areas Case Study
15 of 16
Sustainable Community Case Study
Greenwich Millennium Village
16 of 16

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Card 2


A term used to describe any area of land that has not been developed previouly


Greenfield Site

Card 3


An old industrial or inner city side that is cleared for a new building development


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Involves local councils working with businesses and local communities to come up with a regeneration plan for an area


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Involves building or improving property in an area to change its image and improve the local environment


Preview of the back of card 5
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