epr 5



relationhips can vary between people however they all have one thing in common. in a relationship each person has responisbilites and commitments. 

responsibility- a duty you should carry out, eg the duty to love oneself set by jesus for christians

commitment- making and keeping a promise, eg wedding vows


in the bible, genesis teaches marriage is a gift from god. 

'this is why a man leaves his father and mother and becomes attatched to his wife and they become one flesh'


the five precepts in the dhamapada set out a buddhists duties in life and in a buddhist relationship there should be uppekha. 

these promote general respect for eachother and encourage a positive relationship. the husband is taught to share authority with his wife and the wife is taught to protect his property and show hospitality to their guests.

why create a family?

having children in a relationship shows commitment and a family provides a sense of security for someone as they have people who love them and they can rely on.

christian and buddhist family

it is a duty for christians to procreate as this is taught in genesis.

however in buddhism, although buddhists to not want to become attatched, buddhists (lay budhists espcially) can approach the middle way and have a child which will enable human rebirth and allow them to reach enlightenment. however monks and nuns do not have children as it can be a distraction for them. buddha taught family life should bbe based on metta and respect.

quiverfull literalist christians

their family life is traditional and guided by the bible. men are the authority in the family and women serve their husbands as well as having a mothering role. 

st paul taught that men are the head of their wives (although this is a weak point because in galatians he said nor male nor female suggesting equality of the genders), in genesis it says god made man a helper which suggests women should support their husbands. 

the example of mary in the new testament as the mother of jesus show women have a mothering role but jesus himself doesnt teach women and men as having different roles.

moral views about roles of men and women

atheists- gender equality, both the man and the woman can have the same job

agnostic- there are certain jobs which suit men and certain jobs which suit women as men may not have the needed strength and stature as a man.

family and religion

christians may believe part of a family unit is to raise children in the faith. the catholic church makes the couples who marry promise to raise their child in the catholic faith. they want to raise and educate their child to act morally, whether it be by abiding by gods words or non religously. many christians get their children baptised to show theyre making  a commitment to raising their child as a christin and educating them in the faith.baptism also symbolized entering the


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