Structures and functions of the skeleton system

  • Created by: llxllyy
  • Created on: 30-01-17 18:01

The structure of the skeleton

The skeleton provides a framework for movement. It is made up of bones and joints of different types, which provide something for muscles to hold onto. 

The skeletal system and the muscular system- known collectively as the musculoskeletal system- work together to allow movement, which occurs at the joints. Different types of joint allow for different types of movement.

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The skeletal system

  • Flat bones are often quite large and usually protect vital organs.
  • Long bones enable gross (large) movements
  • Short bones enable finer, controlled movements
  • Irregular bones are specifically shaped to protect. For example, the vertebrae are designed to protect the spinal cord.
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Shoulder: Scapula, clavicle, humerus

Elbow: Humerus, radius, ulna

Hip: Pelvis, femur

Knee: Femur, patella, fibula, tibia

Ankle: Tibia, fibula, talus

The Human body contains articulating bones, which meet at a joint to enable movement. You can see that some bones provide movement at more than one part of the body.

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The functions of the skeleton

Support, for muscles and vital organs. Without support the body would be a mass of soft tissue that was unable to move.

Protection of vital organs such as the cranium, a flat bone, protecting the brain. During physical activity, protectio is crucial for both performance and long-term health.

Movement, which occurs at the joints when muscles contract and pull on the bone.

Shape and structure for maintaining the basic form of our body and providing something for muscles to attach to.

Blood cell production which takes place in the bone marrow. Red blood cells are especially important in aerobic events because they carry oxygen to workng muscles.

Storage of minerals which are essential for  major body functions. Their role in physical activity is linked to general health of an athelte which affects sporting performance.

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