The Skeletal System

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  • The Skeletal System
    • Skeleton Functions
      • Shape/ Structure
        • 1) The skeleton is a rigid bone frame for the rest of the body. Our shape is mainly due to our skeleton.
        • 2) The skeleton supports the soft tissues like skin and muscle
        • 3) This helps you to have good posture, which is essential in loads of sports
        • 4) E.g. good posture aids performance in gymnastics.
      • Protection
        • 1) Bones are very tough - they protect vital organs like the brain, heart and lungs
        • 2) This allows you to perform well in sport without fear of serious injury
        • 3) E.g. the skull protects the brain so you can head a football.
      • Movement
        • 1) Muscles, attached to bones by tendons, can move bones at joints.
        • 2) This movement is essential for good performance in sport
        • 3) there are different types of movement at various joints, which are important for different sports
      • Making blood cells and platelets
        • 1) Some bones contain bone marrow, which makes the components of blood - platelets and red & white blood cells.
        • 2) Red blood cells are important during exercise - they transport oxygen to muscles.
        • 3) Athletes with more red blood cells perform better - more oxygen is delivered to muscles
      • Mineral Storage
        • 1) Bones store minerals like calcium and phosphorus.
        • 2) These help with bone strength - so you are less likely to break a bone
        • 3) They're needed for muscle contractions.
    • Types of bones
      • Long Bones - E.g. humerus in arm. Are strong and are used by muscles to assist movement
      • Flat Bones - E.g. Ribs. Protect internal organs.Their broad surface allows muscle attachment
      • Short Bones - E.g. Tarsals in the foot. Support the weight of the body - they are weight-bearing.
      • Irregular Bones - E.g vertebrae of the spine. are suited to protection and muscle attachment


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