Product development

  • Created by: JodieB01
  • Created on: 05-01-17 16:44

The client

A client is someone who asks a designer to design a product; the product may be for themselves, or it may be for other people to buy (the user).

Client involvement in the design process:

  • help build a consumer profile
  • help identify shortcomings in existing products on the market
  • consult about design ideas, sketches and prototype models.

How do you create a consumer profile?

You help to answer the following questions:

  • who is the target market for the product? 
  • what are the needs for the user?
  • what sort of furniture do they already own?
  • what sort of products do they use?
  • what styles do they use?
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The designer

The designer is a person, or a team of people, who design and develop a product for a client. A successful designer will analyse the design brief that the client gives them.

They will carry out initial research to identify the following:

  • what is the exact function of the product?
  • where is it going to be used?
  • what sort of person is going to use the product?
  • what sort of products are likely to appeal to the user?

From the information they gathered the designer will produce a more detailed brief or design specification. This will guide the designing that follows. 

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The manufacturer

The manufacturer is the person or group of people who make a product. Eg:

  • a jewellery maker
  • a small fctory
  • a large company assembling hundreds of cars

The manufacturere work together to ensure the designer's ideas can actually be made. They will discuss:

  • using standard cmponents to reduce the manufacturing costs
  • reducing the number of components to reduce costs
  • the skills available from the workforce
  • the equipment needed to produce the product
  • making sure the product complies with national and international standards
  • the scale of production
  • how the product can be manufactured safely.
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Great post! I am actually getting ready to across kanger vape this information, is very helpful my friend.I wish you'll have more helpful products in the future.

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