League of Nations in Action Unit 1 Edexcel GCSE History


Vilna, 1920

  • There were disputes between Lithuania and Poland over this city, as it was given to Lithuania at Versailles, but the majority of the population was Polish.
  • Therefore, Poland invaded Lithuania and took hold of Vilna in 1920.
  • This had been an act of aggression that the League should have stopped, but members weren't prepared to take action.
  • Britain and France also wanted to keep Poland as an ally against Russia, and so Poland kept Vilna.
  • This was a failiure of the League.
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Upper Silesia 1921

  • Many inhabitants were either German or Polish.
  • At Versailles it was decided that they should give Upper Silesia a plebiscite (public vote), and it favoured Germany, although the League split it between Germany and Poland.
  • Both countries accepted this decision.
  • This was a success.
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Aalands, 1921

  • This was a dispute between Finland and Sweden as to who should control these islands.
  • Finland was given the land by the League, and both coutries accepted the decision.
  • This was a success.
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Corfu, 1923

  • There was a dispute between Greece and Italy in which 5 Italian soldiers were killed, and so Mussolini invaded the Greek island of Corfu.
  • This was an act of aggression by a major member of the League, but Britain and France didn't want to take action against Mussolini.
  • Greece was forced to apologise and pay compensation before Italian troops left Corfu.
  • This was a failiure.
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Greek-Bulgarian Dispute, 1925

  • In 1925, Greece invaded Bulgaria, due to a border dispute.
  • The League condemned Bulgaria for its actions and told it to withdraw.
  • Bulgaria withdrew.
  • This was a success.
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