Latin Aeneid Translation

Translation and Original Text


fracti bello fatisque repulsi                                 

ductores Danaum tot iam labentibus annis    

instar montis equum divina Palladis arte        

aedificant, sectaque intexunt abiete costas;  

votum pro reditu simulant; ea fama vagatur.  

Broken by war and driven back by the fates the leaders of the Greeks (with so many  years now slipping by)built a horse the size of a mountain with the divine skill of Minerva, and they wove it’s ribs with cut silver fir wood; they pretended that it was an offering for their return; that was the story that was spread around

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huc delecta virum sortiti corpora furtim            

includunt caeco lateri penitusque cavernas  

ingentes uterumque armato milite complent.

est in conspectu Tenedos, notissima fama    

insula, dives opum Priami dum regna manebant,                                                             

Having drawn lots, they secretly enclosed the chosen bodies of men here in its dark flank and deep inside they filled huge vaults and the belly with armed soldiers. There is in sight Tenedos, an island very famous in reputation, rich in resources while the reign of Priam remains

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nunc tantum sinus et statio male fida carinis:

huc se provecti deserto in litore condunt;       

nos abiisse rati et vento petiisse Mycenas.                                                                                 25

ergo omnis longo solvit se Teucria luctu;        

panduntur portae, iuvat ire et Dorica castra    

(But) now only a bay and an unsafe anchorage for ships: Having sailed here they hid themselves on the deserted shore; we thought that they had gone away and had made for Mycenae with the wind. Therefore all Troy freed itself from its long grief; The gates were thrown open and it was pleasing to go to the Greek camp

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