Information processing theory


Information processing theory

Dudai (2011)

Information is stored and retrieved piece by piece and moves amongst the three memory stores during encoding, storage and retrieval.

sensory memory (encodes) - working memory (encodes) - long term memory 


sensory memory - holds sensory information

working memory - holds information temporarily

long term memory - relatively permanent storage

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Encoding working to long term memory

In order to encode information it has to be organised to be stored permanently.

Phonological encoding - sound

Visual encoding - how the information looks

Semantic encoding - meaning of information

Effortful encoding:

meaning - remember better if we understand information

elaboration - more elaboration and personally relevant the better we remember it

mnemonic - techniques that are used to increase meaningfulness

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Reasons for forgetting

Encoding failure:

we never learnt the information in the first place

Storage failure:

biological problem

Retrieval failure:

information has been learnt and stored however we cannot get it out of our brains

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