Effects of day care - studies

  • Created by: Sophie
  • Created on: 05-01-14 20:10

NICHD - National Institute for Child Health and Hu

  • Aggression
  • USA
  • Followed more then 100 children since 1991


  • more time spent in day care (birth - 4 1/2 years) = more adults rated as aggressive (2-6 yrs)
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  • Peer relations
  • USA
  • 600 American 5-6 yrs 
  • peer and teacher ratings of social behaviour 


  • more time in nursery first 5 yrs = rated as less socially skilled (teacher) and less popular (peers) 
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Campbell et al

  • peer relations
  • Sweden
  • children in day care (18months - 3 1/2 yrs) compared to home reared children until 15 yrs old
  • observed with peers


  • short days in nursery = more socially competent than home reared
  • long days in nursery - less socially competent than short days
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EPPE - Effective Provision of Pre-School Education

  • aggression
  • 3000 3/4 yrs


  • high levels group care before 3 (especially before 2) = higher aggression before 3 yrs
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  • aggression
  • children (around 4yrs) attended pre-school 2,3,5 days a week
  • observed (via moving film techniques)
  • Bheaviour in 5 categories recorded


  • 10 week period - aggression decreased in all 3 groups
  • more days attended, more aggressive behaviour decreased
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EPPE - Effective Provision of Pre-School Education

  • peer relations
  • large numbers childrenin different types of pre-school
  • variety of methods - staf interviews, case studies, rating scales


  • high quality care = greater sociability
  • especially when providers viewed education and social development as equally important
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