E & A


Action plan - Footwork (Pivoting)

Post / Pre test 

Every week  X2 for a minimum of 30 minutes per session. 

Week 1: 

Practice and Focus on technique - so correct position

  • body in a balanced and stable position.
  • head up
  • knees slightly bent with weight evenly distributed over both feet, keep the knee over the foot during the pivot. 
  • Push with free foot (non grounded foot). 
  • Be aware of grounded foot.or chose one if landed on two feet, to acoid the footwork rule. 
  • Aim to pivot in the direction of play, away from the defence. 

Squash the Bug 

  • players run around in the defined area, on the whistle players stop and find their grounded foot and leaving the plsnted foot on the ground, use the second foot to perform a pivot and 'squash the bug'. 
  • Extension: add different modes of movement e.g skiping, running, hopping, jumping. OR add a ball sao when players catch it they need to use the correct footwork and perform a pivot before passing back to the initial passer. 
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Footwork pivoting

Week 2: Gauntlet

  • in a row of squares marked out by cones, one defence occupting one square each. Defence can only defend while players are in their square. 
  • Two attackers begin outside the first square (without a ball to begin) and attempt to run through the squares to the opposite end using dodging to get free and past the D in each square without pushing past. 
  • two attackers then attempt this with the ball, passing to each other and pivoting when recieving the ball and moving down the squares towards the end. 

Week 3: Half court 

Week 4: full court. 

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Week 1: focus on technique 

Teaching points

  • body should be in a stable, balanced positiion and square to the goal.
  • Dominant hand to be placed under the ball. elbow facing the goal. The other hand to provide supoprt and direction to the side of the ball. 
  • Release of the ball should be over the head and flicked through the wrist and hand (giving a backspin to the ball). 
  • from bent knees and elbows, straighten the body in sequence with the ball release when at full extension. 
  • shot should be followed towards the goal for better rebound position. 

Shooting practice: 

  • in pairs, shooters go away and practice shooting, giving  each other feedback. 

Week 2: shooting Zigzag

  • set up two set of cones oin a zigzag shape in the goal thirf  angling towards the goal circle. two even teams set up with one person behind each cone. 
  • the ball starts at the top of the cones and is passed cone to cone in a zigzag fashion. When the second to last player reieves the ball, the last player drives into the circle to recieve their pass. They must aim  to shoot for goal and keep trying until they score. 
  • Everyone is to move down a cone as the shooting players run with the ball to the top cone and the game continues.  
  • the aim is for your team to get through the entire time the quickest. 
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Week 3: Angels child

  • players split into two teams (one team to shoot first, one to run).
  • one team is to be lined up at the centre circel with the ball at the front (shooters).
  • the other team is to be lined up behind the base line, with the runner (where the ball is recieved from a passer( and tries to shoot for goal, the front person at the base line begins the running around the edge of the court aiming to be at the end of their run before the goal goes in (home run). 
  • once the shooter is successful the shooter yells stop and the runner must stop running exactly where they are on the edge of a court. 
  • the seocnd shooter runs into the circle to recieve a pass from the first shooter, the second runner takes of. 

Week 4 -

  • half court. 
  • full court. 
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Defensive skills

week 1: Focus on teaching points and techique

Teaching points:

  • keep your head up
  • arms at sides, but ready to make contact with the ball. 
  • use small steps with foot no wider than shoulder distance apart. 
  • keep weight even across balls of the feet to move in any direction. 
  • stand close but do not touch atatcker
  • concentrate on ball and player (if player is without the ball, stand side ways on so you can see the ball and your opponent). 

Figure 8:

  • two and then three players. 
  • No ball - Begin with A moving and using body angles to get around the other person. add a ball and second post. posts pass back and fourth while A runs around posts using body angles and outside arm to create a figure 8. 
  • extension - add ball - get A to intercept.
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Defensive skills

Week 2:

 Triangle Defense

  •  in fours players stand in a triagnle with one D in the middle of the triangle as piggy. D is aiming to get three tip/interceptions before switching.
  • Looking at position, footwork, vision and body angles.

Five Point Player

  • 2 even teams playing in one third of court with two end zones.
  • only one player from the attacking team is allowed in the end zone. This person may move only within the end zone and catch the ball there to score a point for their team.
  • one point is awarded for everyone in the team recieving a pass in the middle section and one additional point for every successful goal.
  • A - foxus on getting free and choosing the best passes for the situation. 
  • Extensions - everyone in the team must catch the ball before a goal is attempted.
  • Add order ball - ball must be passed in a a specific sequence e.g players numbered 1 - 7.  

Week 3 - Half court

Week 4 - full court.

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Week 1: Focus on teaching points / technique.

 Half roll: teaching points

  • begining to the side or slightly behind the defender.
  • outside foot steps behind the body (as the body rolls outwards) until arriving on opposite side of the defender.
  • once on the other side it is important to keep driving towards the ball to make the most of the space created through the roll.

Week 2: In Three's.

  • Attacker, defender and passer.
  • A & D line up side by side and A to practice rolling around D from both directions.
  • Passer should give feedback.
  • attacker to reieve five passes using a combination of directions; pass must be recieved in the space.
  • Attacker then to choose between using a full roll, or half roll and drive forward for 5 more passes.

Defender aims to defend.

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Passing into space

  • three passers to line up on the side line, three passers on the base line and 3 passers to line up on opposite side line.
  • the first three passers give a chest pass, the next three give a bounce pass and the last 3 give a shoulder pass.
  • from a line of "workers" (standing behind the baseline) the first will go run around inside the court about 2m from the passing players all the way around the 'path'. The passers will release their style of pass ahead of the worker as they run aroundm aiming for the worker to recieve this ball in the space they are running into.
  • the worker is to take the ball in space, pull it in towards their body, secure their footwork and pass back to the same passer before continuiing to the next.  

Week 3: Into the space

  • players split into two teams within one third (specified area on court)
  • one team begins with the ball. their aim is to pass the ball amongst themselves into the space they are creating and keeping the ball as far away from the other team.
  • the defending team aims to intercept/tip/pressure the attacking team to gain pocession. if the ball goes out of the area a throw in from the sideline by the opposition occurs.


  • encourage players to use a particular skill e.g how many different passes can be used?
  • every player in the team must recieve a pass and then a point can be scored by shooting for goal.
  • move into the goal third anf after all the team memebers have touched the ball, a goal can then be attempted for an extra point.

Week 4: Half court// Full court.

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