Central Government under Henry VII


The King's Council

Functions of the council to advise King over matters of state, law and order, and to act in judicial capacity in the prosecution of the nobles. 

John Morton- Lord Chancellor 
Richard Fox- Lord Privy Seal
John Dynham- Lord Treasurer 

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The King's Court

Had to be magnificent and generous. Henry VII deliberately cultivated his personal image to command subjects' obedience and to strengthen his authority by giving the impression it was permanent. 

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The Council Learned in Law

Responsible for keeping up to date with the wardship, marriage and payments on inheriting property of all the King's tenants, and collection of the feudal dues owed to him. 

Hated because of its connection with bonds and recognisances as it supervised the collection of these financial arrangements.

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Met only to grant taxes and to pass laws. 

Parliament olny met 7 times during Henry's reign- 5 during first decade of his reign (insecure on trhone). 

Parliament not called regularly, numbers of attainders against nobles that parliament passed, used to ratify his claim to the throne 

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