The Country Wife- Harcourt

  • Created by: Isabella
  • Created on: 23-04-13 17:26



  • Introduced as womanizer
  • Horner's friend, tries to make him feel better
  • Falls for Alithea and is very serious about her
  • Pursues her endlessly, even when she refuses him
  • Smart, thinks of a plan to end up with Alithea
  • Foil to Horner's sexual ways
  • Foil to Sparkish's foolishness
  • Love interest to Alithea
  • Horner's friend

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Introduced as Horner's friend, as bad as him
  • Quickly turns into Alithea's love interest, in spite of Sparkish
  • Alithea and him are the only characters to end up together, happily married
  • Hinted that Pinchwife dislikes Harcourt


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