Jason quotes - Medea Play

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  • Jason
    • "Even if you hated me, I could never have bad feelings towards you."
    • "I consider the Goddess Aphrodite the only one among gods or mortal men who saved my expedition."
    • "However, you helped me. And you did it well. But  by saving me you gained in return far more than you gave."
    • All the Greeks know you're clever, so you've earned yourself a fine reputation. If you still out there at the boundary of the world no one would talk about you. And great fame I'd rather have than houses filled with gold.
    • "What greater good fortune could I have than marrying the daughter of a king?"
    • "You'd agree with me if it weren't for the sex."
    • "Keep them. If my wife values me she'll set more store on what I do than on rich possessions."
    • "You cruel perpetrator of the most unholy of all deeds."
    • "Oh children, you had such an evil mother."
    • "At least it was not my hand that killed them?"
    • "Let me bury these dead boys and mourn them."
    • "How I wish I'd never been a father and had to see you kill my children."


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