results of collectivisation

  • Created by: em
  • Created on: 17-04-14 18:42

results of collectivisation


  • To Mao, this was a triumph as it proved that he could enforce change on unwilling people and CCP members
  • CCP control strengthened throughout the countryside
  • Spence: peasants were better fed in 1956-7 than in early ‘50s
  • it was evidence that his principles could work and that it was to going be possible to create a socialist utopia based on his version of Marxism


  • Chiang & Halliday: peasants experienced hardship as a result of collectivisation
  • during 1st 5YP (1953-7) agriculture increased only by 3.8% and in the last year only increased by 1%
  • grain requisitioning led to food riots in 1954
  • many peasants got hardly any food as Mao said: they ‘only need 140g of grain and some only need 110’ and that ‘educate peasants to eat less, and have more thin gruel’
  • The government introduced a policy of ‘primitive accumulation’ which forced peasants to sell a quarter of their total grain production to the state at very low prices. So, peasants were living at subsistence levels.


Benefited Mao more than whole of China because it enforced his communist ideology onto the Chinese population. It seems improving China's economy wasn't really his actual aim as collectivisation didn't help much.


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