MSM and Coding, Capacity and Duration Evaluation

  • Created by: an_kxkx
  • Created on: 25-11-19 09:20

MSM and Coding, Capacity and Duration Evaluation


  • Has evidence from the case studies of KF and HM as one store can be damaged whilst the other remains intact, separate but unitary
  • MSM was a pioneering model of memory that inspired further moderls and research into memory .i.e. WMM
  • Bahrick's research into the duration of memory has external validity as he meaningful memories were studied so this suggested that duration of LTM may be higher if meaningful stimuli is used


  • These case studies occurred in a time where no efficient brain scanning equipment was available  so they are based on assumptions more than anything
  • Jacob's study into the capacity of the memory stores was done in the early years of psychology so, it didn't have the adequate controls over confounding variables as it would have done today
  • The MSM is oversimplified as the WMM suggests that STM and LTM can be split into several stores e.g. episodic memory
  • The model also doesn't account for the memories/ info that's transferred into the LTM wiithout rehearsal, e.g. a certain smell


A strength of the multi-store model of memory is that it has supporting evidence from the case studies of HM and KF. HM lost the ability to form new long term memories after he had his corpus collosum severed as treatment for severe epilepsy, his short term memory was still intact, and KF damaged his short term memory store in a motor bicycle accident, it was limited, but his long-term memory store was normal. These case studies provide evidence for the multi-store model of memory as it proves than the long-term store  and the short term stores are separate but unitary as one can be damaged whilst the other is still intact and perfectly working. A weakness of this model however, is that it oversimplifies the stores of memory. The model assumes that there is only one long-term store and one short-term one. This has been disproved by the working memory model as it assumes three stores for the long-term store as well as evidence from brain damaged patients suggesting different stores for the long term memory, so weakening the multi-store model of memory. 


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