Memory evaluation

Evaluation of MSM
Strength: controlled experiments
P- controlled laboratory studies on capacity, duration and coding, support the existence of separate short/long terms stores which make up MSM
E- neuroimaging studies have also demonstrated a difference between STM/LTM
C- Beardsley prefrontal cortex is ac
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Evaluation of MSM
limitation: Too simplistic
P- MSM oversimplifies LTM by saying it's a single unitary store; however research shows that there are different storage systems within LTM
E- The are storage systems for episodic, procedural and semantic memories.
C- MSM is limited because it does not
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Evaluation of MSM
Strength: study to support STM are different memory stores
P- Conrad found that we tend to mix up words that sound similar when using STM.
E- mix up words that have similar meaning when we use our LTM
C - shows that coding in STM is acoustic and in LTM it's semantic. supports the MSM view that two memory stores
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Evaluation of LTM:
Strength: Research evidence for different types of LTM
P-adults with specific brain injuries and associated memory changes.
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Card 2


Evaluation of MSM
limitation: Too simplistic


P- MSM oversimplifies LTM by saying it's a single unitary store; however research shows that there are different storage systems within LTM
E- The are storage systems for episodic, procedural and semantic memories.
C- MSM is limited because it does not

Card 3


Evaluation of MSM
Strength: study to support STM are different memory stores


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Evaluation of LTM:
Strength: Research evidence for different types of LTM


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the front of card 5


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