Multi-Store Model

  • Created by: bintahall
  • Created on: 12-05-19 17:18

Description of the Multi-Store Model

Sensory Register: Held at each of the 5 senses - react to change in environmental stimuli

Attention: If a persons attention is focused on one of the sensory stores then the data is transferred to STM 

STM: Has a limited duration and information will decay quickly if it isn't rehearsed 

Maintence Rehearsal: Keeps information in STM and eventually tranfers it into LTM 

LTM: Potentially unlimited in duration/capacity 

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Evaluation (Strengths)

Supporting Evidence: Controlled lab studies on capacity, duration and coding support the existence of a separate STM and LTM store. Studies using brain scanning techniques have also demonstrated that there is a difference between the STM and LTM - the prefrontal cortex is active during STM but not LTM tasks - also showed that the hippocampus is active when LTM is engaged

Case Studies: HM study - suffered from epilepsy and had his hippocampus removed in order to stop the seizuires. After it was removed HM couldn't form new LTM's

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Evaluation (Limitations)

MSM is too simple: MSM suggests that STM and LTM and separate unitary stores. WMM shows that the STM and LTM are divided into several different stores (difference in the kind of memory stored in each one). Maintenance rehearsal explains semantic LTM's but not episodic LTM's

LTM involves more than maintenance rehearsal: Suggested that enduring memories are created by the processing that you do rather than maintenance rehearsal. Idea that doing 'deeper' task allows you to create LTM rather than just repeating it 

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