Inspector Calls: Mr Birling




  • An arrogant man with capitalist views.
  • Selfish man who only cares himself and his family.
  • Proud of his achievements in life.
  • Pompous: he tries to use his achievements to bribe the inspector.
  • Irresponsible yet determined to protect his reputation.
  • His purpose is to be ironic.
  • His character removes the expectation in those times that older people should be respected as they are more experienced and tell the truth.
  • However he claims that the Titanic is "unsinkable" and that World War would not occur even though we now know it did.
  • He started the chain of awful things that happened to Eva/Daisy by firing her from his factory after she started a strike for higher wages.

Development (Growth & change)

Other information              

  • Throughout the play Mr Birling does not change much through the play.
  • He remains the same arrogant man he was at the beginning of the play and is not changed after hearing how he affected Eva/Daisy.
  • He realises in the middle of the play that he may not receive a knighthood and is slightly saddened by this.
  • When he finds that the Inspector was not real he is overjoyed and again does not care.
  • 'heavy-looking, rather portentous man'
  • 'I speak as a hard-headed business man'
  • 'The Germans don't want war' 'I say there isn't a chance of war'
  • 'You've a lot to learn yet' (about Eric)
  • 'Unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable'
  • 'Lower costs and higher prices'


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