Gladstone & Disraeli: Ireland

Basic summary for Ireland. Differences between Gladstone and Disraeli, concerning Ireland between 1869-1874 and 1874-1880.

  • Created by: Kelly
  • Created on: 27-01-15 16:49

Gladstone & Disraeli: Ireland


  • Gladstone "my mission is to pacify Ireland"
  • Gladstone was the first British politician to show a real understanding of Ireland's troubles + had a genuine desire to do something constructive rather than holding the Irish down under thumb.
  • Both Disraeli and Gladstone (at this stage in time, first ministry) didn't see Home Rule as the answer to Ireland's woes.
  • Gladstone passed measures in an attempt to help Ireland. E.g. The Irish Church Act (1869) The First Irish Land Act (1870, however this failed dramatically and violence lead to Gladstone introducing the Coercion Act in 1871


  • In contrast to Gladstone, Disraeli saw Ireland as a troublesome possession trying to break away from British rule, in a similar fashion that the Balkan people were trying to win freedom from Turkey.
  • Disraeli nothing to help Ireland. He was unmoved by the severe agriculture depression, that happened towards the end of his government. This depression caused the situation in Ireland to deteriorate further as tenants failed to pay their rents and landlords evicted them on a larger scale than ever before.

Overall comparison


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