Media Studies - What to consider when identifying a target audience!

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  • What to consider when identifying a target audience!
    • Age
      • Select an age range e.g.25-32 or Children, teenagers, adults etc.
    • Gender
      • Females and/or males
    • Interests
      • e.g. 'fans of...', 'people who enjoy...' or 'people are are interested in...' etc.
    • Consider education,ethnicity, religion, cultural practice and sexuality.
      • e.g 'educated', 'Christians' or 'homosexuals' etc.
    • Viewing Habbits
      • e.g. 'regular readers/viewers of...'
    • The size/type of the audience
      • is is a large (mass) audience or a small (niche) audience? is it a mainstream audience or an alternative audience?


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