Korea in Cold War

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    • The War (1950-1953)
      • The North crossed the 38th Parallel on 2% June 1950, in an attempt to unify Korea
      • MacArthur then disobeyed orders from Truman making it clear not to go near the Yalu River in fear of Chinese intevention
        • Because of this, the Chinese launched an invasion into Korea on 26 Novermber 1950 that retook the North and most of the South,.
        • Also, MacArthur was fired on 11 April 1951.
      • A final armistice was signed on 27 July 1953, over two years of 'attrition'
        • The boundary between the two was to be the 38th Parallel
      • The United Nations Organisation decided to help and sent UN troops, along with the US troops
        • MacArthur (Commander-in-chief) organised a successful sea landing at Inchon that forced the North to retreat, in September
          • UN forces then followed the North across the 38th Parallel and captured Pyongyang on October 19
      • At first the north were successful, most of the South fell, including Seoul on 27 June, except the Pusan area
    • Defensive Perimeter Strategy
      • This was a definition of the defensive line of US military bases in the Far East
        • However, it did not extend to Korea, which may have encourage Stalin to stoke up conflict in Korea
      • It extended in a huge arc from Aleutian Islands through Japan to the Philippines
    • Before the War
      • In 1946, Kim Il Sung created the Democratic Peoples Republic in the North (Communist
        • Syngman Rhee set of the Republic of Korea in the South shortly after
      • In 1950, the Korean Peninsula was divided along the 38th Parallel into two parts
        • The Soviet-backed North government
        • The US-backed South government
      • Soviet forces left in Jan 1949 after ensuring the North was heavily armed
        • Us forces left in July 1949, and left behind military equipment that couldn't be used offensively


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