Eisenhower Foreign Policy


Eisenhower Foreign Policy


  • Prioritised foreign and defence policy
  • US needed to strengthen Western Europe, concern about the Middle East as it produced half the world's oil.
  • Rely on nuclear weapons 'more bang for a buck'. American had 1500 nuclear weapons in 1953 but by 1961 this was 6000
  • Brinkmanship - kept peace by using the nuclear threat and his military reputation
  • 1955 Geneva Summit - first meeting between the US and USSR since Potsdam.
  • Did not over react after Sputnik - further use of covert warfare but could not tell the public this. Also established NASA
  • 4 years of successful U-2 spy flights over the Soviet Union
  • Berlin - did not respond to Khrushchev's threats of turning access routes to the West over to East Germany. Made it clear that the US would always support West Berlin. Khrushchev retreated and the crisis passed.
  • End of the Korean War, pressed the Chinese to agree to peace in Korea, used the threat of nuclear weapons, China signed the armistice. Gained massive popularity for getting American soldiers out of Korea
  • Vietnam - domino theory. Strong arguments for intervention - help the French, vital to the security of the US in Asia, did not want to be accused of 'losing'Vietnam.
  • Iran - used the CIA to back the pro American Shah (Emperor) who gave American companies 40% of Iranian oil
  • Suez crisis - Eisenhower received international praise as he did not support the British and the French against Egypt and his pressure meant they had to withdraw. Eisenhower managed to keep the Soviets out of the Middle East. Taught the British, French and Israeli's never to act without informing the Americans.


  • Could not overspend on defence.
  • 1955 Geneva Summit - suggested 'open skies', talks began on a nuclear bomb test ban treaty but neither suggestion got anywhere
  • Launch of Sputnik into space. Hysterical reaction from most Americans. Bad press and accusations that he was neglecting national security. Sputnik II launched in 1958, 300 times heavier than the first satellite
  • 1960 U-2 plane shot down - had to admit responsibility for the spy flight. Relations ruined, Paris summit was a disaster
  • Hungary - revolt against the USSR, expected aid from the US. Hungary was land locked so the Americans did not get involved. Also prioritized the Middle East
  • Vietnam - Knew that the British nor Congress supported military intervention. Committed American expertise and aid to an unimpressive leader in the South - Ngo Dinh Diem


Soviets and Americans now willing to attend summits- Geneva and Paris summits did not produce anything concrete, Paris summit collapsed. The escalation of the arms race demonstrated on going rivalry and conflict. Eisenhower's inactivity in Eastern Europe particularly Hungary showed the impact of the cold war. Eisenhower continued Truman's policy of containment and he went against advice to be more war like and pulled out of Korea.  North Vietnam was lost to communism but an anti communist state set up in the South. Eisenhower aimed to make the world more peaceful but it is difficult to claim he succeeded.


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