Behavioural Model

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  • The Behavioural Model of Abnormality "Learning"
    • Behaviour learnt through classical and operant conditioning
      • Classical Conditioning: ie: person climbs to top of hill, looks down (stimulis), experiencedizziness (response), person learns to become fearful of heights
        • Watson & Rayner, possible for phoebia to be acquired through classical conditionin
          • 11 month old boy. "Little Albert". Healthy emotionally and physically
            • 1) White Rabbit, White rat, White cotton provoked no fear, Neutral Stimulus
              • 2) induce fear response (innate reflex). Steel bar 4 feet in length struck with hammer. Scared and cried
                • 3) Put the 2 together, white rat and hammer struck when he went to touch it. Frightened him. Repeated several times and did the same the following week
                  • 4) Albert would then cry when given rat
                    • Results: Phoebias could be result of classical conditionin, also found was scared of white rabbit, cotton wool, fur coat and white beard- This is called generalisation
                    • Results: Behaviourists have tried to explain phobias through classical conditionin. Individual could develop phoebia when a neutral stimulus is paired with a frightening object/ event
      • Operant Conditioning: learned by consequences of behaviour. Repeated behaviour (anxiety or depression) reward?- attention or concern. MORE anxious as of this
    • Assumptions "LUBS" - .
      • Social Learning: Behaviour learnt through observation and imitating other people
      • Behaviour: model assumes that the mind is an unnecessary concept, only observable behaviour is important
      • Unlearning: Model assumes if we can learn, we can unlearn
      • Learning: Classical and operant
    • Evaluation
      • Strengths: 1) Theory is testable in lab situations 2) Behavioural therapy successful with phoebias 3( Aprroach deals with the present,, rather than delving into the past
      • Weakness: 1) What about the mind and thought? FREE WILL? 2) Model underestimates the contribution of biology 3) Principles of learning tested on animals (rats dogs) applicable to applying context to human behaviour


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