Threats to the Weimar Republic between the years 1919-1923

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  • The Weimar Republic was never seriously threatened in the years 1919-1923
    • Political assassination
      • Walter Rathenau
        • Foreign minister
        • regarded as responsible for the Treaty of Versailles
          • Stab in the back theory
        • Jewish
      • Matthias Ezberger
        • Finance minister
        • assassinated in August 1921
        • Involved in the signing of the Treaty of Versailles
    • Kapp Putsch 1920
      • Wolfgang Kapp
        • right wing extremist
      • an attack on the Weimar Republic, after the disbandment of two freikorps units
      • General Luttwitz led a freikorps unit to Berlin and seized the capital
        • called for a new republic, declaring Kapp as chancellor
      • showed that the government could not enforce its authority even in its own capital
      • It was a failure
      • Ebert called for a General strike, which ended the Putsch
      • however the strike showed that people were willing to support the republic
    • Spartacist Uprising 1919
      • Rosa Luxemburg
      • Karl Liebkneckt
        • Former members of the SPD, didn't support Germany's going to war
          • Rosa Luxemburg
      • January 1919 - the German Revolution
      • an attack on the Weimar Republic
      • Ebert used the right wing paramilitary group - the Freikorps to crush the uprising
        • showed that the government could not dissolve its issues without the army
      • the leaders of the uprising were both killed
    • Munich Beer Hall Putsch 1923
      • Adolf Hitler
      • An attack on the Weimar Republic
      • Putsch was a failure
        • badly organised
      • Hitler and several others stormed into the Bürgerbräukeller, calling for national revolution
        • held von Kahr and two other leaders captive
      • Ludendorff  allowed von Kahr and the other to leave
        • the informed the army, who eventually crushed the putsch
      • Hitler and several other injured, he is sent to prison
        • However, the judges were very impressed with his oratory skills, given a short sentence
        • wrote Mein Kampf in prison


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