The Growth of States III - Atlantic explorations 2

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 25-05-18 17:16
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  • The Growth of States III - Atlantic explorations 2 (according to Gerritsen and McFarlane)
    • Spanish exploration in Atlantic during later C15th
      • Castile successfully fought Portugal for possession in 1475
        • secured for Spain both an interest in overseas expansion and advance base from which it might move further into 'Ocean Sea'
      • In Spain, interest in finding a route to East
        • Intensified during closing years of C15th
          • so when Columbus prevailed upon Spanish crown to support a westward voyage to reach shores of Asia, he received sympathetic hearing
      • Columbus
        • plans rejected by Portugal, France and possibly England
        • secured support from Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragorn
        • In 1492, sailed west across Atlantic in belief he would find shorter route to China
          • Came across Caribbean islands
          • although he persisted in believing he had found shores of Asia, his subsequent voyages and those of other men serving Spanish monarchy became points of entry for exploration, conquest and colonisation in what was, for Europeans, a 'New World'
    • Portugal's expansion
      • After landing at Calicut in 1498
        • Vasco da Gama began process whereby Portugal would subsequently create rich trading empire that stretched far beyond its trading posts in Africa to reach coasts and islands of South and East Asia. Did not exclude America
      • In 1500, fleet under Pedro Alvares Cabral embarked on second Portuguese voyage to India
        • And when sailing west in Atlantic, encountered land hitherto unknown to Europeans
          • Cabral called his discovery 'Land of the Holy Cross' and claimed it for Portugal, under terms of Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
      • Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
        • By which Spain and Portugal had agreed, along lines set out by Pope Alexander VI's bull of 1493, to divide world beyond Europe into two spheres
          • With line of demarcation that reserved lands to west for Spain and left Africa and Asia to Portugal
        • Because Cabral's discovery lay east of that line, which was drawn when the shape and size of American continents were still unknown, Portugal fortuitously but legitimately acquired rights over large territory  that became known as Brazil
    • By end of C15th
      • Atlantic exploration had yielded rich results
      • Sea route to Asia around Africa laid foundations for emergence of an expansive Portuguese sea-borne empire in East
      • Westward route allowed Spain to establish bases n which to build a vast territorial empire in the Americas
      • Expanding commerce and colonisation was to enrich countries that controlled new circuits of commerce
      • Both Spain and Portugal saw an unprecedented increase in their economic and political weight within Europe
        • as discoveries led to formation of great empire overseas


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