Sheet 4 mock revision- JW

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  • Sheet 4 mock revision
    • Outline the behaviourist approach
      • Blank slate, Tabular Rosa
      • Pavlov's dog
      • Classical conditioning
      • Association
      • UCS-UCR, NS, CS-CR
      • Generalised
      • Law of contiguity
    • Evaluate the behaviourist approack
      • Practical application, systematic desensitisation and flooding (phobias)
      • Environmentally determinst, gives clear predictions e.g Little Albert
        • Also means it lacks a full understanding of interactionsim
      • Only considers nurture, not a full understanding of interactionsim
      • Many of the experiments were conducted on animals, can't extrapolate results to humans
    • Key research for cognitive neuroscience
      • Eleanor Maguire
      • Aim: to examine whether structural changes could be detected in the brains of people with extensive experience of spatial navigation
      • Method: structural MRI scans obtained. 16 right handed male taxi drivers (driving for over 1.5 years)
      • Result 1: Increased grey matter found in the left and right hippocampi after being compared with a control group
      • Result 2: changes with navigation experience, correlation between amount time spent driving and volume in the right posterior hippocampus
      • Conclusion, extensive practive with spatial navigation affects the hippocampus
    • What is the mean, what is a strength and weakness of using it?
      • The average- figured out by adding up all the digits and dividing by the number there are
      • Accurate, sensitive measure of the mean, includes all scores
      • may be influenced by anomolies
    • name the 4 definitions of abnormality
      • Deviation from social norms
      • deviation of ideal mental health
      • failure to function adequately
      • statistical infrequency
    • Name and outline the treatment for depression
      • cognitive behavioural therapy
      • 1.patient as a scientist, working out a solution
      • 2.keeping a diary
      • 3.reality testing against what was written in the diary
      • 4.disputing
      • 5.practical steps
      • 6.behaviour changes
      • 7. small goals
    • what are schemas
      • cognitive frameworks
      • help us to organise and interpret information
      • developed through experience
    • what is an advantage of using repeated measures
      • reduces participant variables
      • age and gender


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