Sheet 9 mock revision- JW

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  • Sheet 9 revision
    • How would the cognitive theory explain depression
      • cognitive explanations of how mental processes affect behaviour
        • cognitive distortions
      • schemas, negative biases lead to depression
      • Beck's theory, faulty informatioal processes, negative biases, negative triad
        • e.g "I am not good enough"
      • Ellis' ABC model
        • action
        • belief
          • irrational beliefs lead to unhealthy emotions
        • consequence
        • e.g getting fired from job, believing you aren't good enough, not looking for another job
      • computer model
      • cognitive neuroscience
    • evaulation of how cognitivists say depression occurs
      • Free will, CBT assigns responsibility to client. Gives them the power to address depression with help from a therapist
      • Not all episodes of depression have an activating event, explanation may lack validity
      • Other approaches would disagree, biological component, often can't use CBT unles drug therapy is used first
        • Practical applications, generally considered the most effective form of therapy for depression
    • what is a variable in an experiment
      • Factors, traits or conditions which can exsist in different types or amounts
      • independent, control, dependent
    • why is qualitative data better for studying depression
      • provides depth and detail
        • attitudes, feelings, behavviours
      • creates openness
        • encourages people to open up about topics not intially cosidered
      • stimulates people's indiviudal experiences
        • why people act in certain ways
      • attempts to avoid pre-judgements
        • why a particular response was given
    • explain what is meant by "event sampling"
      • observers and researchers decide on specific events which seem relevant to the investigation
      • recorded every time it happens
    • what does randomization mean, why is it important?
      • where you chose participants/ word lists/ pictures randomly
        • e.g random sampling, target population is given a number and sample is chosen from a number generator
      • eliminates investigatior bias, they have no control over the participants selected, or what group they're in
    • comment on what the mean and what the standard deviation is telling us in this study
      • the mean score is almost 3 times larger than the women, suggesting they are much better
      • the standard deviations are quite similar to eachother, so the spread of perfomance is similar of both genders
    • what is content analysis, how would it be used to analyse a short clip
      • a technique for analysing qualitative data
        • can be catagorised and counted (quan)
        • can be analysed in themes (qual)
      • 1. watch a film clip or text
      • 2. identify categories
      • 3. watch again and sort into categories
      • 4. conduct a correlation to investigate inter-rater reliability. Must be higer than 0.85


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