Shaffer's stages of attachment

  • Created by: Jordan64
  • Created on: 14-08-17 22:37
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  • Schaffer's stages of attachment
    • Asocial stage: first few weeks
      • Baby's behaviour towards objects and humans similar
      • Some preference familiar adults (more easily calmed by them)
      • Babies happier in presence of other humans
    • Indiscriminate attachment (2-7 months)
      • Babies display more observable social behaviour - prefer people over objects
      • Recognise and prefer familiar adults
      • Attachment indiscriminate as attachment same towards all
    • Specific attachment (7 months)
      • Stranger and separation anxiety begin to show as baby forms specific attachment with primary caregiver
      • Baby chooses person who is most interactive and responsive to reciprocity as primary care giver
    • Multiple attachments (by 1 yr)
      • Secondary attachments with other adults form
    • Shaffer and Emerson (1964): stages of attachment
      • Procedure
        • 60 Glasgow babies, most from working class families
        • Babies and mothers visited at home every month for a year and at 18 months
        • Separation anxiety measured by asking mothers about their children's behaviour during everyday separations
        • Stranger anxiety measured by asking mothers questions about their children's anxiety response to unfamiliar adults
      • Findings
        • 50% of babies showed separation anxiety towards a particular adults between 25-32 weeks of age
        • Attachment tended to be with adults who were most interactive and sensitive to reciprocity
        • 29% of babies had secondary attachments within a month of forming a primary attachment. Majority of infants had secondary attachments by 1 year


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