Religion and Philosophy - unit 2 (Religion and Panet Earth)

  • Created by: Prachanna
  • Created on: 05-04-13 12:14
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  • Religion and Planet Earth
    • Most attitudes of religious people are that most religions have a creation story and that god had created the humans. God had also created the plants and the animals for us humans to use and to make the Earth beautiful with.
    • Key words
      • Awe- feeling of respect; feeling into a meaning greater than oneself
      • Wonder- feeling of surprise and admiration at the complexity of the universe
      • Conservation- trying to preserve the Earth
      • Stewardship- it is the religious idea that people were awarded the special responsibility of looking after the Earth which we must conserve. We can use the Earth to help us survive but we mustn't mistreat or abuse it.
      • Sanctity of life - religious people use thios to express that life is precious as it was given by god. Christians believe that because the universe was made by God's love and that they must look after the planet as it's their responsibility
    • Religious views
      • Buddhism- show that compassion and loving kindness to all living things and to the Earth, they are allowed to use its resources but not ruin it. Environment destruction is caused by greed and ignorance - which cause suffering
      • Islam- Humans are Allah's trustees and they should be answerable on Judgement day for their use or misuse on the Earth's resources. Muslim should follow Allah's act on preserving the Earth.
    • Problems caused on Earth
      • Pollution- chemicals released into the environment through acid rain, oil spills and farmers' pesticides
      • Destruction of Habitats- Animals will become endangered and extinct because humans are destroying animals habitats for their own use
      • Deforestation- Cutting down trees for wood and for farmers to produce food
      • Climate change- More CO2 is released causing the climate to change drastically. This will lead to more flooding and drought which can destroy crops
      • Natural resource shortage- The global population is growing and the resources are being consumed at a large pace and we are running out of them e.g. fossil fuels
  • Awe- feeling of respect; feeling into a meaning greater than oneself
  • Wonder- feeling of surprise and admiration at the complexity of the universe
  • Sanctity of life - religious people use thios to express that life is precious as it was given by god. Christians believe that because the universe was made by God's love and that they must look after the planet as it's their responsibility
  • Pollution- chemicals released into the environment through acid rain, oil spills and farmers' pesticides


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