Psycho sexual stages

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  • Psycho- sexual stages of development
    • Oral (1st stage) Birth-18months
      • Sucking
      • Biting
      • Chewing
      • Dependnat on mum
    • Anal (2nd stage) 18 months- 3 years
      • Gain a sense of control over the environment from toilet training
      • Pleasure comes from using bladder and sphincter muscles
      • When using these muscles they know they can control part of their environment and o longer totally dependant on their parents
    • Phallic (stage 3) 3-6 years
      • Pleasurable feels are mostly associated with the genitals
      • Child feels sexually attracted to opposite sex parent and resentment towards the other
        • Known as the Oedipus complex for boys and the Electra complex for girls - this is where the girls believe the penis is the superior sex organ and get 'penis envy'
    • Latent (4th stage) 6- puberty
      • Sexual desires go dormant for a while
      • Girls and boys hang around with the same sex
    • Genital (5th stage) puberty- adulthood
      • Relating to others in sexually mature way
      • Hormone increase sex drive and pleasure comes from the genitals


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