Psychodynamic assumptions

  • Created by: Mbegum
  • Created on: 30-12-18 12:24
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  • Psychodynamic asssumptions
    • The unconscious mind
      • Freud
        • The mind is like an iceberg
          • much of what goes on = lies beneath the surface
      • mind = separated into 3 parts
        • preconscoius
          • can become aware of
        • conscious
          • mental activity we know about
            • Logical
        • unconscious
          • can't become aware of at all
            • illogical = pleasure seeking
          • can't directly acces
            • may express itself through dreams
          • contains unresolved conflicts
            • appear in dreams = in disguised form
      • ego defence mechanism
        • conflist betw/ id + ego + supergo = creates anxiety
          • ego = protects itself via ego defence mechanism
        • types of ego defence mechanisms
          • regression
            • acting in a childlike manner
          • repression
            • pushing painful memories down into the unconscious
    • Tripartite Personality
      • Freud
        • adult personality = made of 3 parts
          • develop at diff stages in life
      • the 3 parts
        • ego
          • rational
            • develop = age 2
              • reality principle = realistic way to balance demands of id + supergego
        • id
          • impulsive
            • present at birth
              • pleasure principle = demands immediate satisfaction
        • superego
          • sense of right + wrong + ideal-self
            • develop = age 4
              • learnt via identification w/ parents
    • Influence of childhood experiences
      • Freud
        • childhood experiences = shape adulthood personality
      • psychological development
        • takes places in psycho-sexual stages
          • stages = associated w/ body part
            • Probs @ stage = causes fixation
      • libido
        • sexual drives
      • fixation
        • frustration
          • Needs of libido not met
            • Stage - not resolved
        • overindulgence
          • Libido = more than satisfied
            • Too comfortable - reluctant to move to next stage
      • psychosexual stages of development
        • phallic
          • 3ys - 5ys
            • genitals : masturbation
              • oedipus complex = leads to superego + gender identity
                • difficulty maintaining healthy relationships
                • Vain
        • anal
          • 18mon - 3ys
            • anus : w/holding faeces
              • potty training
                • F : overly tidy
                • O : messy
        • latency
          • 5ys - puberty
            • no sexual motivation
              • understanding of the world
                • no fixations = no libido
        • oral
          • 0 - 18mon
            • mouth : sucking
              • breastfeeding
                • F : envy
                • O : needy
        • genital
          • puberty onwards
            • genitals : heterosexual intercourse
                • resolved complexes = well-developed adult personality


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