neo marxist views of inequality

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  • Neo- Marxist view of Inequality
    • Takes account of changes and developments in the 20th century
    • The dominance of ruling class and ideas- hegemony- Gramsci 1971
      • Stressed the role of ideas enabling ruling class to maintain power and control
      • Used hegemony to describe the ideological control the dominant class have over the masses
      • Argued the bourgeoisie control the working class by controlling ideas which are now dominant
      • Argued the ruling class shouldn't rely on the WC having false class consciousness
      • There are different divisions between classes and the state can exploit these divisions in order to maintain ruling class hegemony
      • Hegemony persuades the WC that the power and rule of the bourgeoisie are legitimate
    • The relationship between the infrastructure and superstructure
      • Crucial in understanding the way in which the ruling class reproduce and legitimate class inequality
      • The infrastructure is the mode of protection and social relations are linked to this
      • The proletariat sell their labour power to the Capitalists/bourgeoisie
      • Althusser 1970- argues the education system successfully exploits the working class- they accept the system is fair. Most RC rely on the ideological state apparatus to persuade people inequalities are fair
    • The changing nature of the class structure
      • Wright 1978 said growth in technology and of intermediate supervisors has led to change
      • Control is now important and the relationship to the means of production
      • Some non manual occupations are in a contradictory position- between two classes
    • Cultural/social/economic capital
      • Bourideu argues that class inequalities are reproduced by the education system
      • The system values the cultural capital of the middle classes
      • They are able to impose their habits on the education system which gives their children an advantage, then translated into capital (money)
      • The cultural capital they possess allows them to introduce their children to the right or influential people into the job market


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