Media Evidence

  • Created by: E123
  • Created on: 03-05-19 12:22
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  • Media
    • Daily Mail strongly Conservative – 74% of readers vote Conservative (as of 2017)
    • Daily Express – strongly UKIP – 77% of readers vote UKIP
    • Financial times – supports Lib Dems – only 14% of readers vote Lib Dem
    • Corbyn social media campaign before 2017 snap election – promoted policies appealing to young people e.g. abolition of tuition fees via Twitter and Facebook – over 60% of 18-24 yos voted Labour
    • Growth of membership in Labour Party since 2015 general election through use of social media by radical left-wing movement Momentum – 370,000 in 2015 to 540,000 in 2018


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