Popularity of Empire 1880-1902

  • Created by: Charlotte
  • Created on: 11-02-14 20:02
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  • Popularity of Empire 1880-1902
  • Patriotism
    • Arguments for Empire
      • Popularity of Empire 1880-1902
    • 1897 Diamond Jubilee
    • Egyptian occupation 1882
  • Jingoism
    • Patriotism
      • Arguments for Empire
        • 1897 Diamond Jubilee
        • Egyptian occupation 1882
    • Literature/music halls/church/school/media
      • Arguments against Empire
        • Domestic concerns
          • Working class
            • Unemployment rife
          • Political opposition
            • Midlothain campaign 1880
              • Gladstone anti-imperialist win
            • 1906 'Liberal Landslide'
      • Over 20,000 died in concentration camps
        • British brutality
          • Arguments against Empire
            • Domestic concerns
              • Working class
                • Unemployment rife
              • Political opposition
                • Midlothain campaign 1880
                  • Gladstone anti-imperialist win
                • 1906 'Liberal Landslide'
        • Boer War 1899-1902
        • Economic implications
          • Boer War 1899-1902
          • Damaged reputation
            • Unsuccessful against Boer farmers
          • All men- 1918
            • Not all had voting rights
              • skilled urban-1867
          • Joined army due to unemployment and poverty
            • Khaki election won by 4000,000 votes
              • Support from Middle/Upper class
                • Political support
                  • Gladstone loses 1885 election
                    • MOG
                  • 1895 Chamberlain Colonial Secretary
                  • 1901 Lloyd George attacked after public anti-war speech
              • Benefits from empire
                • Support from Middle/Upper class
                  • Political support
                    • Gladstone loses 1885 election
                      • MOG
                    • 1895 Chamberlain Colonial Secretary
                    • 1901 Lloyd George attacked after public anti-war speech
                • Investments/profits
              • Maffeking 1900


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