H is for Hawk, Helen Macdonald

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      • 'SUDDEN THUMP' - this onomatopoeic word suggests something powerful.
      • 'LIKE US,' minor sentence suggests irony, such a powerful bird should feel afraid of the writer who shows signs of nervousness herself.
      • 'AND ANOTHER. THUMP.'- Series of short, minor sentences indicate tension and anticipation. Macdonald hears the bird before seeing it.
      • 'BARRED AND BEATING'- Alliteration of the 'b' increases drama.
      • 'Two enormous eyes'- Repetition of enormous again and short sentence emphasises the bird's appearance, and Macdonald's shock and amazement.
      • 'SHE IS A CONJURING TRICK'- Metaphor suggesting bird is too wonderful to be real- illusion.
      • 'LIKE GOLD FALLING THROUGH WATER'- This simile evokes a beautiful image.
      • 'IT WAS BORN OF CARE' - short sentencing indicates Macdonald's careful observation of man.
      • 'AND MUCH, MUCH BIGGER, AND...' - repetition of 'and' reflects growing realisation of bird difference
      • 'DO YOU THINK THERE'S ANY CHANCE...'- Direct speech comes out as blurted (nervous).
    • QUOTES
      • 'AGAINST THE ARTICLE 10s' -This legal language contrasts with nature.
      • 'DON'T WANT YOU GOING HOME WITH THE WRONG BIRD'- Statement turns out ironic.
      • 'FLECKED WITH DUST' - provides a visual image of slow motion. Builds anticipation.
      • 'ALL HAPPENING AT ONCE'- the struggling bird makes it hard to see what is happening. Present tense is used here for immediacy.
      • 'ENORMOUS, ENORMOUS' - shows surprise and indicates that she is speechless.
      • 'SHE CAN SEE EVERYTHING'- italics on 'everything'. - italics followed by list of details of what hawk can see suggests the sensory overload the hawk is experiencing. Illustrates the hawk's amazing eyesight.
      • 'IN ONE HAND'- the man keeping the bird is skilled and competent with it.
      • 'KEEPING HER HEAD IN THE AIR'- Long complex sentences reflect complex care of hawk.
      • 'HACKLES RAISED'- these are all giving a very vivid, visual description.
      • 'MADWOMAN IN THE ATTACK'- play on words, 'madwoman in the attic' is a character in the novel Jane Eyre- this quote connects to the Victorian melodrama reference.
      • 'THIS IS MY HAWK'- (italics on whole quote) - Italics  represent Macdonald's inner voice.
        • 'BUT THIS ISN'T MY HAWK'- Macdonald's inner voice is changing its message.
      • 'YELLOW FORM FOLDED, THE MONEY EXCHANGED'- list shows how long Macdonald holds back from expressing feelings.
      • 'INCOHERENT APPEALS'- confused and disordered. Connects her to the confused first bird.
      • 'TOTAL SILENCE' - we are left in suspense at the end of the text.
      • Extract begins with careful checking of detailed documents , turns out ironic as Macdonald feels she is buying the wrong bird.
      • Writer uses 2 short paragraphs, including a one word paragraph to create a turning point in the extract. 'Oh;.
      • Inner thoughts expressed through italics.
      • Personal account, amazed by the first hawk- connection.
      • Tries to imagine hawk's perspective. Macdonald sees hawks as individual personalities.
      • Listing, descriptive language, metaphor simile, short sentence, single word, tension and confusion. Change of tense, Writer's inner voice. Imagery
      • Minor, short sentences. Long complex sentences.
      • Repetition, alliteration, contrast, comparative.
      • Present tense for immediacy. Semantic field of instability.


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