Health and Social Care: Unit 1 - Genetic conditions/diseases

  • Created by: Erin00
  • Created on: 12-05-18 09:09
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  • Down's Syndrome
    • Genetic condition
    • Genetic diseases/conditions
    • Extra chromosome 21
    • Varying levels of learning disability
    • Not inherited
    • Associated conditions include heart problems, depression, hearing and visual issues
  • Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
    • Genetic condition
    • Genetic diseases/conditions
    • Changes in the muscle fibre
    • Prevents body from producing dystrophin - essential for building and repairing muscles
  • Genetic disease
    • Brittle Bone Disease
      • High risk of breaking bones
      • Helped by physiotherapy, assistive equipment and medication
  • Genetic disease
    • Huntington's disease
      • Inherited neurodegenerative genetic disorder
        • Perception, awareness, thinking and judgement affected
  • Genetic condition
    • Klinefelter Syndrome
      • Extra X chromosome acquired after baby conceived - not inherited


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