Crime & Deviance- Globalisation

  • Created by: 12Hannah
  • Created on: 24-04-19 14:08
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  • Crime & Deviance- Globalisation
    • Castells ('97)
      • Media, economics, technology more important than state
      • Dark economy necessary fro country to run
      • I.e. Russia, Columbia, Chile
    • Hobbs & Dunningham ('98)
      • Criminal networks transnational
      • Crime is 'glocal'
      • Most crime still based on local issues
    • Held ('99)
      • State crimes prevented/ stopped by international law
      • United opposition against crimes
      • I.e. EU, UN, Human Rights
    • Glenny ('09)
      • Clear structre to organised crime
      • McMafia
      • Organised crime = 20% economic output


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