CRTF #9 Conjugal Roles and Domestic Chores Factors: 5. Decision Making              

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  • Conjugal Roles and Domestic Chores Factors:                                5. Decision Making
    • Edgell - 1980
      • All of these areas, though were considered unimportant
      • Found that wives dominated in those areas of decision making concerning interior design, domestic spending and childrens clothes
      • Men dominated three areas of decision-making- those relating to moving house, finance and the car - all of which were regarded as important
      • He found that the husband decided the overall allocation of financial resources and had most say in the case of decisions involving large sums of money, whereas the wife, in every family in the sample, tended to make minor decisions
    • Phal and Vogler - 1993
      • Focus on how each partners contribution to family income affects decision-making within the family. they Identify two make types of control over the family income:
        • Allowance System
          • Where men give their wives an allowance out of which they have to budget to meet the family's needs, the man retaining any left over income over himself
        • Pooling
          • Where both partners have access to income and joint responsibility for expenditure for example a joint back account
      • They found that pooling was more common among couples were both partners work full-time however they found that even here, the men usually made the major financial decisions
      • Pooling is on the increase - Vogler - 199 - compared a sample of 1,211 couples with their parents and found a large increase in pooling, 19% to 50% and a sharp decline in the housekeeping allowance system from 36% to 12%
    • Hardill Et Al - 1997
      • Furthermore, the men tended to make decisions about where the couple lived and the care they drove
      • They found that in the majority of cases, the males career came first
      • However, very big decisions such as buying a house were joint decisions
      • Examined the power in dual-earner households in Nottingham, using semi-structured interviews.
    • Phal ect.
      • However other feminists suggest that inequalities in decision making are not simply the result of inequalities in earnings but a reflection of patriarchal soceity
      • Argued that the main reason for men's dominance in this area is that they earn more


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