CRTF #14 Conjugal Roles and Domestic Chores Factors:10. The Commerciali-sation of Work

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  • Conjugal Roles and Domestic Chores Factors:                              10. The Commerciali-sation of Work
    • Silver (1987) and Schor (1993)
      • stress the importance of two major economic developments in reducing the burden of housework on women
        • Women Woring
          • Means that they can afford to buy these good and services
        • Housework has becme "commercialised"
          • goods and services that housewives previously had to produce themselves are now mas produces and supplied by supermarkets, fast food outlets and so on. Freezers, microwave ovens, "ready meals" etc.. all reduce the amount of domestic labour that needs to be done
    • Shor even goes as far as to claim that these developments have lead to the "death of the housewife role"
    • Also, even if commercialisation has reduced the amount of housework to be done, this does not prove that couples are sharing the remaining chores equally
    • However critics argue that for many poorer women, buying in expensive goods and services is not an option
    • As a result they suggest that the burden on housework on women has decreased


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