Child maltreatment mindmap

  • Created by: rstrange
  • Created on: 07-06-17 01:55
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  • Child maltreatment & trauma-related disorders
    • Sexual abuse
      • Traumatic sexualisation
        • Betrayal
        • Stigmatization
        • Powerlessness
    • Psychological abuse
      • Exploiting
      • Isolating
      • Denying emotional repsonsiveness
      • Terrorizing
      • Health and educational neglect
      • Spurning
    • Neglect
    • Physical abuse
    • At risk for developing
      • Mood disorders
      • behavior problems
      • Anxiety
    • Treatments
      • Parent training
      • Parent-child interaction therapy
      • TF-CBT
      • Supportive therapy
      • Cognitive restructuring


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