Bowlby A01 and A02

  • Created by: hansolo
  • Created on: 27-12-14 15:31
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  • Bowlby
    • A01
      • theory of attachment-innate need for 1 main attachment figure, he believed primary bond more important than any other
        • child needs continues care from single important attachment figure for first two years, attachment broken in critical 2 year period child suffers long-term consequences
      • Study(1946) interview, 44 thieves, interviewed family and looked at their history(DEVELOP  ENOUGH FOR 2 MARKS)
        • 14 affectionless psychopaths, 12 separated from mothers for long period, only 5 didn't suffer affectionless behaviour who had been separated from mother long time.
      • Maternal deprivation lead to delinquency, affectionless psychopathy and intellectual retardation. Affectionless psychopathy- an inability to empathise with others or as Klein(1987) said 'permanent lack of feeling for others'
    • A02
      • Bowlby investigated IQ, emotional state, age and experiences with the mother, but there are other important factors like relationships with the father ect
      • Suggested by Bowlby himself the findings would be improved had a second control group, comprising ‘normal’ school children were used, as the control group from the study was made from other teenagers from the clinic who had their own emotional problems
      • Bowlby helped to stress the importance of primary attachment figure which may have affected the way children were brought up
      • The case study gathered a lot of detail, both qualitative and quantitative from multiple sources using different research methods, so the data is in-depth and valid
      • reductionist-reduces complex behaviours of attachment down to serving survival needs and that it was deterministic as it argues that attachment behaviours are innate, therefore involving no free-will.
      • Shaffer and Emerson (1964)- showed children develop more than one single attachment and  it need not be the mother which  criticises Bowlby's theory of monotropy (1 attachment)
      • Bowlby study's use of interviews lacks reliability as they may recall things wrong or say what they think the psychologist would like to hear


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