1968 Mexico Olympics

  • Created by: jadeedaj
  • Created on: 14-05-20 16:15
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  • 1968 Mexico Olympics
    • Countries threatened to BOYCOTT if SOUTH AFRICA were allowed to participate in the games due to their poor HUMAN RIGHTS record at the time.
    • Black Power Salute took place due to the lack of civil rights and racial inequality in USA at the time.
      • Tommy Smith came 1st in the 200metre final, Peter Norman came second and John Carlos came 3rd.
      • Features: hold shoes in hand, wear black socks and one black glove, raise fist in the air, look at the ground.
        • The raised fist symbolised black unity and power while carrying their shoes represented black poverty.
      • Peter Norman provided the gloves and wore a human rights badge in solidarity.
    • A break in convention/characteristics as it was the first Olympics to be held in Latin America
    • Context: At the time in Mexico there were numerous protests about inequality and freedom of speech was undermined.
    • In Australia the White Australia Policy was being implemented which mistreated Aboriginies
  • Tommy Smith and John Carlos were suspended.
    • None of the three athletes ever completed again at the Olympics
      • Result of the black power salute
        • Peter Norman ostracised from his country and no Australian sprinters took part in the 1972 Olympics
    • Result of the black power salute
      • Peter Norman ostracised from his country and no Australian sprinters took part in the 1972 Olympics




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