Zimbardo multiple choice questions

Found in my revision book and decided to post in a different form

  • Created by: Sky
  • Created on: 06-12-12 22:17

1. The study was argued as being valid because..

  • Prisoners wore a ball and chain
  • Prisoners and guards continued in their roles even when not being observed
  • Conditions never changed
  • Guards wore sunglasses
1 of 12

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2. Which one of the following items did the prisoners not wear..

  • Nylon stockings
  • Rubber sandles
  • Underwear
  • Smocks

3. The study was not ecologically valid because..

  • None are correct
  • Not a real prison
  • All are correct
  • People involved were not real prisoners or guards

4. The participants were assigned to be prisoners or guards..

  • Based on age
  • Based on preferences
  • Randomly
  • Based on health

5. Who played as the prison warden..

  • Zimbardo
  • Ali G
  • Milgram
  • Zimbardo's dad




I got ten out of tem and hope its right answers? 

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