WOR- Breadth

Who are key nobles during the period?
R. Duke of York, Warwick, Ed Earl of March, RIII, Clarence, Stanley, Bolingbroke, Henry Tudor, De La Pole bros and John of Gaunt
1 of 44
Who are the good nobles>
John Duke of Bedford, Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, Earl of Shrewbury, Lord Hastings, Jasper Tudor and Earl of Oxford
2 of 44
What are feudal dues?
One off payments that the Kings got when their subjects had a change of circumstance in their life
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What is the 'right to the wardship of all idiots'?
The King got all the land of someone with a mental disability, minus their living expenses
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What percentage were feudal dues of the King's total income?
Around 5%
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What are custom duties?
Wool trade was the biggest export- a fee for each sack of wool. Wool trade declined by 60%
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What are profits of Justice?
Any criminal act which resulted in a fine would go to the King
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What are problems with taxation?
System was inflexible, severe drop in population
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What is an 'Act of Resumption'?
The King claiming back lands that had been given away
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What is an 'Act of Attainder'?
Against nobles and can either give lands away or absorb these confiscated estates into royal demesne
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What is royal demense?
Property held by the monarch directly
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How is Parliament a 'prop'?
Didn't meet regularly, ED IV uses his parliament to get rid of Clarence
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When is the Spanish Marriage? Who is it between?
1499- King Ferdinand and Isabella are the parents of Katherine of Aragon
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What did Dan Jones say about France?
That it could be 'realistically maintained'
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What is the Treaty of Picquingy?
Edward IV- 1475. Peace negotiations between France and England
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What are retinues?
Group of followers
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When and what was the Anti-retinue law?
1468- EdIV creates a loophole saying they have to have a lawful service
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What is ******* feudalism?
When men pay to have people as part of their retinue
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Why didn't people like b. feudalism?
too much independence to the lesser man, ruins 'genuine bonds' and looked like thugs were just being added
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What did Sir John Fortescue describe Over Mighty Subjects as?
He said that this was the greatest threat a King had to face
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What did K.B. Macfarlane say about them?
That you only get them when you have an under mighty King
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What were over-mighty subjects?
Born and not made, good communicators, all of the apart from the De La Poles seized a coup d'etat
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What are Idols of the multitude?
During a less charismatic King's reign, people will turn to a more charismatic leader
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When was the Percy vs Neville challenge? Where was it situated?
1453-54 in the North
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What happens?
Neville's side with Margaret of Anjou and the two Percy sons are assassinated because they don't want them having more land
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When was the Bonville and Courtney challenge? Where was it situated?
1451-61 in the Southwest
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What was it a dispute over?
Old and new nobles
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When was the Pastons challenge? Where was it based?
1461-76 in Norfolk
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How long was the 'Long Parliament'?
23 weeks
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What did Bishop of Lincoln say?
Joy turned to bitterness
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How many parliaments did Henry VI call?
22 Parliaments
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Who was Henry VI surrounded by?
Evil Councillors
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Who 'packed' their Parliament?
33 of 44
When was the Treaty of Tours?
34 of 44
When was the treaty of Troyes?
35 of 44
Which King said they would 'live off his own'?
Henry IV
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What and why did Henry V have to sell things off?
jewelry as he was in debt
37 of 44
How much was HVI in debt?
38 of 44
How much was Ed IV's annual income?
39 of 44
What did Henry VII use?
Bonds and reognizances
40 of 44
Who were the people in charge of this?
Edmund Dudley and Epsom
41 of 44
How much did this increase royal income by?
42 of 44
How much was Henry VII's income?
43 of 44
What act did RIII accept?
Bastardisation of Ed's heirs
44 of 44

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who are the good nobles>


John Duke of Bedford, Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, Earl of Shrewbury, Lord Hastings, Jasper Tudor and Earl of Oxford

Card 3


What are feudal dues?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the 'right to the wardship of all idiots'?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What percentage were feudal dues of the King's total income?


Preview of the front of card 5
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